
It's National Taco Day!

National Taco Day was October 4th! We know where you can get a life-size taco 👀 🌮

It's National Taco Day!

National Taco Day was October 4th! We know where you can get a life-size taco 👀 🌮

Happy International Dog Day!

Happy International Dog Day! Featuring man's best friend and our Flamingo with Shades Pool Float 😎

Happy International Dog Day!

Happy International Dog Day! Featuring man's best friend and our Flamingo with Shades Pool Float 😎

Welcome to Coconut Pool Floats!

Very excited about our website launching last week! As is Instagram user, Cecelia Dekle as she tests out our Giant Pink Unicorn Float! 😁🦄

Welcome to Coconut Pool Floats!

Very excited about our website launching last week! As is Instagram user, Cecelia Dekle as she tests out our Giant Pink Unicorn Float! 😁🦄

Happy World Emoji Day!

We celebrated #worldemojiday this past Wednesday! Featuring our Rainbow Poop Pool Float 🌈💩  Check back for more updates and follow us @coconutfloat on Instagram and Twitter! 

Happy World Emoji Day!

We celebrated #worldemojiday this past Wednesday! Featuring our Rainbow Poop Pool Float 🌈💩  Check back for more updates and follow us @coconutfloat on Instagram and Twitter!